Opinion Poll: Favourite Alcohol Type

Heya! I’m curious what everyone’s favourite types of alcohol are, based on what they’ve tasted. I’m specifically talking about raw forms of alcohol, not cocktails or recipes (exception applies to premixed spirits).

Please vote your 3 fave types above, price range is not considered in this poll.

The ones I go for a usually Spiced Rum, Premixes and Ciders

EDIT: made the poll more simple

I only got Vodka since I mix it with all kinds of stuff to make it less alcoholic tasting.
Absolut raspberri or Lychee

Am 19 going on 20, cannot yet legally drink yet in the US, nor have I illegally drank. No “Never had alcohol” option on the poll?

Mimosas Bitchesssss :smiley:

Lol I agree xD

Champagne? Or would you consider that as a sparkling wine?

Where are the beer fans at?

THe poll doesn’t have a no alcohol option because it’s asking only for your fave types of alcohol.

And yeah champagne is a sparkling variety

There are pictures of me drinking from a 5 gallon jug of rum.

Besides, I have been known to enjoy whisky, but without ice, that’s the devils creation to water down ma’drink

Beer is the shit. Goes well with pretty much anything anywhere anytime

Aw man, depends on the occasion.

To drink casually: Ale.
To drink casually, but in large quantities: Lager.
To drink on a night out, get bevved: Vodka.
To drink on a nice occasion, but get a bit drunk: Gin or Whiskey, however whiskey and I have a history of being too tasty, taking a while to have an effect, suddenly being drunk, losing teeth and scraping up my face.

So, it varies. Ale, Larger and Gin are my faves though, probably.

Jet 27 - try it some time :slight_smile:


liam is alive

Heres a write in for Tequila