Operator Guidelines and Obligations (for all to read)

I have put this up for all to read because I think it’d be a good idea, in case of a misbehaving Operator (which hopefully wont happen). The purpose of the operator on this server is to provide a pleasant experience for builders on Projectcitybuild, and to do things such as maintenance. Here is what the Operator must abide by.

  1. Griefers - If a griefer is to grief, but has constructed something, the building will not justify the griefing, and thus undo all of his work and the operator should immediately bankick the offender. In case of doubt please post the griefer’s information on the forums.

  2. Zoning - Operators are to zone areas upon request of builders, but are obliged to zone areas autonomously. Operators also have the power to zone OP-only zones if there will be a period without any operators online to prevent griefing. Operators need to be aware that each zone should have a 1 cell spacing, marked by the adminium walls.

  3. Ranking - Operators are allowed to rank users up to Builder rank, provided user has built 1~2 structures of a decent quality. Do not uprank to Advanced builder if user has not participated in server for more than 3 days (this may be checked by /whois or /whowas). Furthermore ranking up griefers is strictly prohibited. You have the right to derank advbuilders/builders if abuse occurs.

  4. Abuse -
    i. Do not harass other players
    ii. Map flooding with active materials should be done with a save preceeding, then a restore. Do NOT under any circumstance leave the map flooded.

Thanks for that because i didnt really think of zone map for ops if theres none on :smiley: