Cleanout Bigcity / Make Clitsmap official

Aight, as some of you know i’ve been walking on my own map “Clitsmap” for a while now, and i am going to request to make the map official since it is pretty much done. Of course it can be renamed i don’t really give much about the credit, but i think it is a good idea for visitors to have more than one map to explore :stuck_out_tongue:

Another request:

I call out a vote to clean bigcity for all block/less decent homes, so that adv/ops are able to enhance the look of the city :slight_smile: why not make it look as nice as possible for us.

Regards Clitorise (with the extra e)

Good idea, cleaning big city.

I think it is a good idea cleaning big city
But as well e mail the person in one week before destroying the building so the person knows what happened to his or hers building. Just as a kind way to say bye bye to your building and we will vote on the building being destroyed as a the main voters will be andy and ops because they mainly run the server.

Maybe screenshot the building and post it on the forum, then run a vote to see if we all (or by majority) agree it should be removed.

All the emailing and screenshot posting is very kind, but it will make progress very very slow and it will take forever before a building can actually be torn down. How about we arrange an op meeting in Bigcity where we run through the city and decide what things to be destroyed? in that way we can get it over with in one move :stuck_out_tongue:

We could also do another kind of voting. We could vote for which builds in bigcity are worth replacing, and instead of just deleting them, an adv/op could ask for permission to build on the area and delete the present building. In that way bigcity will never appear with empty spots.

what do you think?

I vote for the screenshot option. If you can get 2 OPs to approve the removal then it is ok. There should also be a time limit for the OPs to respond. I’m thinking 24 hours?

Another way you could do this is to build what you want placed in bigcity first elsewhere. We Ops, can then copy/paste a fantastic creation to the city. In fact, this would enable builders to submit their creations to us in the forums. Screenshots required!

As far as I know, the main reason only Adv+ can alter bigcity is for its protection. If we screen what is to go to bigcity, then anyone can contribute.

The submissions should be many, but it would give people a reason to use our forums and be more actively involved with the city.

well i have already copy pasted two buildings from guestcity i believe, that i thought looked pretty good, so that part i think is a good idea. However i think the screenshots is too much, i mean isn’t’ it just easier to select some of the decent buildings and then apply for a replacement. Having to build on another map is not quite easy, since it is hard to judge the size/space available + how it matches the rest of the city

Perhaps clearing out buildings that are not suitable to the bigcity’s “City Theme”?

I’ve got one…

The Creeper Spawn.
Yes, I know it was the first to be built in bigcity(when it was not really that big), but it’s quite unsuitable to the theme.

Was the original spawn point, and is when you don’t go through the portal to get to bigcity. It had a good view of the city so it was a suitable spot for a spawn :frowning:

i agree… the creeper tower is kinda out of place…

Well, perhaps the view is great, but should we just remake it into a viewing tower instead?

how do i screenshot?? dont know how! :-\

use wom it has a screen shot option