JackEvereds - 22nd of April, 2015


Minecraft Username JackEvereds

Date of Ban 22nd of April, 2015
Server Survival/Creative
Banned by AnthroPology

Reason for Ban Tnt use?

Reason to be Unbanned Umm, Idk what I was doing wrong, please explain. I have done a ton of stuff on this server, and used tnt before and this has never gotten me in trouble.

[ Ban History ] No previous ban appeals on record.

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You created a red stone “thing” so that tnt carts could be used in creative. I asked you why you were trying to use tnt and you did not respond. I asked you to get rid of it and you said “why” then spammed all of the tnt carts. I should not have to tell you why tnt is not allowed.

I will leave you banned for the night and will unban sometime tomorrow.
But when I do un-ban you I will be keeping a close watch on you.

Erm, but TNT isn’t banned, unless I’m mistaken?

Do not use blacklisted items:
At this point in time, we currently only have limitations on redtone and minecarts

I took this straight from creative rules

Ah, thanks. Anyways, Anth said he’d unban, so locking.

Thanks for clearing that one up with me.