Centralised Absence Thread

[sup][/sup] Im back.

I haven’t been active and I probably won’t be active for a few more days due to me contracting quite a bad cold. I will still be active on the forums and Discord.

Gonna be on much less and more randomly these next 3 weeks. If I’m ever on it’ll only be between 5-5:30AM EST and 7:00-10:00PM EST if at all.

Going on a ski trip tomorrow, cya in a week :smiley:

Not like I’ve been active anyway, but going to Vermont for the weekend, cya eventually!

I’m going through some tough stuff irl so I’m really not wanting to have anything to do with gaming so I guess I’ll be back in a few days. :’(

family issues, wont have time to get on as much, if at all for a month or so

Won’t be active on the server for a few weeks or something, PC in Germany for repairs :frowning:
I’ll still be active here and on discord.

been gone for a bit wont be back in a bit. under lockdown, all tech gone, in trouble, in danger,see ya guys in a bit

Won’t be on for 4 days, cya

I’m out of town at a conference all this weekend. I won’t be quick to reach during the daytime, but I’ll try my best to keep up with stuff every evening. Don’t bother me unless you really need me.


I’m going to Florida for the next few days. I’ll see you all next Sunday!

Going to Quebec, i’ll be back friday ish

I will be away from you guys for awhile.

Starting tomorrow, 03-13-18, I will be starting my over the road training with my company. This is expected to last until 04-03-18.

I may or may not be gone for short periods in between this time. I doubt it. If I can I will, but I am going to be focused on driving and learning during this period, but we’ll see.

I’ll try to keep in touch through the Snapchat group etc, and I will post pictures of my trip when I return!

Wish me luck! :slight_smile:

I have a ton of school work currently and some other stuff has come up I’ll try to get on whenever I can

Good morning, afternoon, evening PCB,

We all have dreams in life you all know that, everyone here has a dream. - I have a dream of my own, and I really want to pursue in this dream and if I am going to pursue and succeed in this, I need to put as much of my free time into it as possible.

I am not leaving or “quitting” PCB but I will just not be on as much and as the months continue I will become more inactive

I’m going to be working full time (outside of school) on my album <3

genre: alt pop / synth / electro pop
Working Title: Consequences

Much love to you guys

Will be on almost all day today, tomorrow, and each weekend thereafter at least 1 day a week minimum. It’s hard to be active and work full time as an OTR Truck Driver at the same time, I underestimated how tired I would be after driving for at least 8 hours a day, doing physical labor around 6 hours a day, etc…

Please bear with me, I’ll announce whenever I’m getting on either in Discord Gen Chat or Snapchat Group!

Heading overseas this Friday until May 7th. After today I’ll be too busy to do anything PCB related, so please don’t burn down the server :pray: