Ban List

Banned Player Reason Banned By Banned At Expires
Saoronon2 Advertising Mannriah 27 Jun 2024 00:05 -
Melvin_Gamer_V2 General Annoyance, Trolling, Threats Of Hacking whbilbo 29 Feb 2024 19:52 -
Melvin_Gamer_V2 General Annoyance, Trolling, Threats Of Hacking whbilbo 29 Feb 2024 19:52 -
siaq using exploits to crash the server Mannriah 25 Feb 2024 04:02 -
HostileTrooper Using exploit to crash thr server Mannriah 23 Feb 2024 23:43 -
Newfoundd racism Mannriah 17 Feb 2024 23:33 -
lavalard racism & homophobia Mannriah 17 Feb 2024 23:32 -
Bowie525 Harrasment of other players, annoyance, and unprovoked disrespect of staff and higher ranks. whbilbo 29 Jan 2024 02:31 29 Jan 2024 02:31
Cyphisoniaa Griefing cyberpunk _andy 19 Sep 2023 15:48 -
NotWizardXD Griefing _andy 19 Sep 2023 15:39 -
TiseleQpl Lava grief _andy 19 Sep 2023 15:33 -
HBNTrader Swear spamming and inappropriate language _andy 13 Sep 2023 15:29 -
SneekyChicken Mass Grief In Multiple Worlds, and Abuse of World Edit for nefarious reasons whbilbo 10 Sep 2023 21:05 -
speedrunnerkld Hacked client. Using flyspeed, nuker _andy 20 Aug 2023 21:03 -
Ender14353 Griefing in survival Penguina 14 Aug 2023 15:29 -
tom_RIP_ griefing in survival Penguina 14 Aug 2023 15:28 -
KongEmilian Racism MrBillybobby 9 Aug 2023 23:19 -
kewlfrog_gaming Grief and refusing to listen directions of members and staff DeadMeatPete06 14 Jul 2023 14:32 -
AshOverPowers Impersonation - deceiving staff and players by using an alt to masquarade as another person - 4 Jun 2023 07:38 -
MrTerramisu Impersonation - Alt of ashoverpowers - 2 Jun 2023 04:28 -
CorlyBoy Grifefing Envatillia and CheesyJeb and spamming illegal potions - 30 May 2023 21:56 -
chayi_ Stealing builds Ouhai_Ruby 11 May 2023 16:26 -
ColorMeRED4381 Racist Slurs MrBillybobby 5 May 2023 03:17 -
afewcps griefing in survival. Appeal at AshOverpowers 4 May 2023 20:32 -
roman36 griefing in survival. Appeal on AshOverpowers 4 May 2023 20:30 -
OneRecord877633 Violation of General Rule #4: Unfair advantage - Do not use anything that give you an unfair advantage; Attempted grief. Appeal on AshOverpowers 20 Feb 2023 17:10 -
txll4337 Derogatory language. Appeal on the forums. AshOverpowers 18 Feb 2023 17:57 -
Amders_ Unnecessary, derogatory language. Appeal at AshOverpowers 17 Feb 2023 20:01 -
ryderdragon N/A tomicalover 11 Feb 2023 22:05 -
Palette2_iron Disrespect, failure to abide by server rules. appeal if you see to it. whbilbo 11 Feb 2023 19:35 -
gammer1995 Griefing by spamming chests in Solstice. Mannriah 3 Feb 2023 00:20 -
NixLovesTwix Annoyance of staff, history and views in favor of grooming, racism, inflammatory behavior, ignoring staff. You've had Three chances. This is Permanent. appealing will not work. whbilbo 29 Oct 2022 04:05 -
Sebastiaan___ Persistant refusal to follow rules, greif attempts,racism, general disrespect etc. despite 15 months of warnings/bans. dont appeal until 5/23 whbilbo 22 Oct 2022 15:27 -
Ascomycete Racial Slurs MrBillybobby 30 Aug 2022 19:05 -
Matyas66055 Major grief in Evenshire. Appeal here: AshOverpowers 19 Aug 2022 20:59 -
OfficalXBYT Griefing aircraft carrier TheOctopus 28 Jul 2022 10:57 -
ElnfachAaron Theft of Jake_Mu's materials. Appeal on our website. Metazealot 2 Jul 2022 23:34 -
timsterboy123 hitler spam Wairoa 18 Mar 2022 23:16 -
dejmnok420 "hack" attempt Ouhai_Ruby 1 Feb 2022 14:24 -
goatman777 Spam in chat, appeal at Mannriah 1 Feb 2022 00:42 -
ConfusingBog Griefing redstone playground. Appeal at Mannriah 24 Jan 2022 03:57 -
doublesanta Using hacked client and attempting log4j exploit _andy 19 Jan 2022 15:14 -
FermatSleep Log4j exploit bot _andy 19 Jan 2022 05:05 -
Invaderr associate of Ev3ryM0rning Mannriah 14 Jan 2022 01:32 -
Ev3ryM0rning Hacking, large scale griefing Mannriah 9 Jan 2022 05:55 -
Tower_of_Hecc Joining just to advertise _andy 7 Jan 2022 07:04 -
chaaaaaz Creating inappropriate builds. tomicalover 7 Jan 2022 03:09 -
razdle Creating inappropriate builds. tomicalover 7 Jan 2022 03:09 -
DragonGamer4478 Griefing and theft in survival. Appeal on the PCB Forums. tomicalover 1 Jan 2022 22:04 -
Feleplayz Griefing in survival. Appeal on the PCB Forums. tomicalover 1 Jan 2022 21:51 -