Donation Tiers
Choose the amount that suits you.
As a thank you for your support, you'll receive perks based on the amount you donate.
$4 for a month
Perfect for those who want to stand-out and gain some basic quality-of-life improvements
3 additional homes
Donor rank and in-game title
Donor badge
Custom nickname
Fly and walk speed commands
$8 for a month
Perfect for those who want even more cosmetic options and convenience
8 additional homes
Donor rank and in-game title
Donor badge
Custom nickname
Fly and walk speed commands
/tp and /tppos commands
/ascend and /thru commands
Nickname colors
$15 for a month
For those who appreciate what we do and want to help support us financially
15 additional homes
Donor rank and in-game title
Donor badge
Custom nickname
Fly and walk speed commands
/tp and /tppos commands
/ascend and /thru commands
Nickname colors
In accordance with data retention laws, we do not store any credit card or bank account information.
If I cancel a subscription, do I immediately lose my perks?
No, your perks will remain active until the original expiry date (i.e. a month from the last payment).
For example, if you started your subscription on August 1st and immediately cancel it, your perks will remain until September 1st. -
What perks will I lose after my duration ends?
Donor commands (navigation, etc) will not be usable and home limits will be decreased.
However, you will not lose access to your homes even if you are over the limit - instead you will be unable to use /sethome until you delete the required amount.
Subscribers will not lose their perks, provided that their payment isn't declined.
- Please check for any applicable fees - Stripe can change these beyond our control at any time for any reason.
- We are not a for-profit organization - donations are not payments for a service.
We reserve the right to change donation benefits at any time.
While we try our best to honor the written benefits, there are times we are forced to change these due to technical or financial reasons.